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2021 Year End Review

We take a look back at the best and worst of 2021.
the lifestyle elite, elite magazine, elite lifestyle, goodbye 2021, farewell 2021, hollywood, California, jet setting, Spider-Man: No Way Home, best of 2021, worst of 2021

With another difficult year ending, we take a look back at the best and the worst in film, television, art, console gaming, and more.

The Best Films of 2021

The Best Television 2021


6. I Care A Lot

For many of us, our first glimpse of Rosamund Pike was in “Gone Girl” a film where she played quite possibly the worst villain that never received her just dues. Enter Marla Grayson, an overall evil con artist in a skin-tight dress. She is the person you both root for and want to see her fail at the same time. Marla’s underhanded tactics seem to have met her match when she meets an unknown opponent willing to do things she would never do.

5. Invincible

Amazon Original’s Invincible at first glace is just an animated

4. Cobra Kai (Season 3/Season 4)

Cobra Kai, the 80’s classic movie franchise that turned into a television show that for all intense and purposes shouldn’t work but does. Luckily for us, both the third and fourth seasons premiered in 2021, and neither disappointed.

2. Succession Season 3

1. Billions Season 5

Farewell to the King.

Honorable Mention

9. Arcane: League of Legends

8. Hit Monkey

7. Ted Lasso

6. Copshop

Copshop, much like Boss Level, was a release that flew under the radar. A quintessential 80s style action movie, a minimal plot from the start comedic action ensues.

5. Dune

4. Suicide Squad 

3. Wrath of Man

Guy Ritchie’s latest film, Wrath of Man, is completely different from his normal style of film (such as The Gentlemen) this is more of a typical Hollywood feature. Similar to when Spike Lee directed The Inside Job, Ritchie brings his british style to the American action genre. Normally this wouldn’t wotk but this was actually interesting, and woth a viewing.

2. Nobody

From the writer that brought us the widely successful, John Wick, bring another unassuming everyman hero, Hutch. A boring family man living in the suburbs working a boring bookkeeping job who’s day to day activists seem to blend together is robbed

1. Ghostbusters: Afterlife

ghostbusters, ghostbusters:afterlife, thelifestyleelite, tlselite

In early July of 2019, we were given a simple teaser trailer that piqued our interest, but it wasn’t until December that we knew we had to see it on the big screen.

The Best in Gaming of 2021

Though there were not many offerings in 2021 for gaming here are the best console games we played this year.

2. Ghost of Tsushima “Iki Island” DLC

Though not a new game, the “Iki Island” DLC  did release this year, and it was the perfect addition (excluding the free multiplier mode)


  1. Guardians of The Galaxy 

With console shortages and the ongoing pandemic, we have had very few PS5 or Xbox Series X new games to review. (which is obvious by how short our list is this year) Though this game had a few game-breaking bugs (which can be easily fixed with an update), the storyline actually reveals what the MCU should actually

Honorable Mention


The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience

The Worst of 2021

With the best comes, unfortunately, the worst and in 2021 we have an abnormal amount of entertainment we did not like.

The Worst Films of 2021

As most of the world is locked down many films did not release during the summer as they normally do, and though there were only a few films we were able to review here are the ones that did make the cut.

4. Venom: Let There Be Carnage

3. No Time to Die

The issues we had with Skyfall, seems to resurface in the final installment, James Bond

2. Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings

With a Marvel Comic‘s character based on Bruce Lee

1. Black Widow

Even in her own solo movie, Black Widow isn’t the star. Released several years too late, (the perfect time being after Captain America: The Winter Soldier) this movie is clunky, with the first 15 minutes of the money being about 10 minutes too long as well, it’s just all-around bad. Taking place between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: End Game

The Worst Television of 2021

Just as this year had bad movies it’s had so rather awful television shows. Here is our list of the worst we watched on television and due to current circumstances the world finds itself in there were big-screen blockbuster movies that were released on streaming platforms. Because of this we have place a few movies releases that were available same day in the television category.

8. Hawkeye

 This was one of the many Disney + show that we weren’t really looking forward to, which is a shame as Jeremy Renner is a

7. Loki

6. Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Though vastly better than the original, the “Snyder Cut” leaves a lot to the imagination. It’s still lacking substance and enjoyment, coupled with a four-hour run time it’s easy to see why the studio took this away from him. One of the most disappointing moments was the introduction of Martian Manhunter, a character that ultimately did nothing to help save the world. Which further confuses us as to why in the end he’d make an appearance and say he would fight with them in the future.

5. Jupiter’s Legacy

What was billed as Netflix‘ answer to Invincible, Jupiter’s Legacy falls extremely short. The low-budget cosplay costumes coupled with the special effects make it seem like they had the budget of a public access television show. The show has awful acted and a terrible plot made this very hard to watch.

4. WandaVision

4. Cowboy Bebop

3. Mortal Kombat

It is secret that many of here are fans of Mortal Kombat (as shown by our gaming division‘s many live streams of Mortal Kombat 11) and with the release of the first trailer had us very interested. Unfortunately, we began to see there was a pattern to these HBO Max home releases (starting with last years release)


2. Space Jam: A New Legacy

The second 90s remake to make our list, Space Jam: A New Legacy, is in a word…awful. Bad acting (on Lebron’s part primarily), terrible plot details (no actual space, lack of actual Warner Brothers exclusive characters), and ultimately a waste of what could have been a great sequel. Even though it is free on HBO Max is was a complete waste of everyone’s time, but just watch the original it is also free on HBO Max.

1. Masters of the Universe: Revelation

disHonorable Mention

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Biggest Disappointment of 2021

As previously mentioned we have viewed a lot of entertainment this year and nothing has been more disappointing and unnecessary than this year’s selection.

The Matrix: Resurrections, was unnecessary as the original trilogy was wrapped up in a neat bow, yet Warner Brothers decided to release this mess of a movie. The Matrix: Resurrections sees Neo’s return from the dead, but unlike the original franchise he never lives up to his legend as “The One”. The fights scenes are slow and seem to have him struggle throughout each confrontation. And though the “idea” of another Matrix seems like a good one, it’s clear after the first ten minutes this wasn’t one. This movie is a jumbled mess as of plots, subplots that never go anywhere, and the only thing Matrix we enjoyed was the The Matrix: Awakens.

Photographer of The Year

Luke Jackson-Clark


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Instagram Artist of The Year

It’s no secret that we are fans of art, and we are always looking for/appreciating artwork of various mediums. The year this artist was our artist of the year.

Marco Grassi


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Italian artist, Marco Grassi first caught our eye when scrolling through a few art hashtags and we saw an image we thought was actually a photograph. we’ve never seen an oil painting capture every detail, blemish, eyelash, and strain of hair like we’ve seen in the images of these beautiful oil paintings.

Women of 2021 we have a crush on

Every year while consuming entertainment on various platforms we come across interesting and talented women. All with that special something that made us develop a crush on them.

10. Carmella Rose


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9. Paige Watkins


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8. Kelli Seymour

7. Florence Pugh

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One of the few enjoyable moments in both the Black Widow solo movie and the final two episodes of Hawkeye, Florence is a joy to watch on both the small and big screens.

6. Jutta Leerdam


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This 22-year-old, champion, makes speed skating look sexy, she’s officially an olympian. She will be gracing the ice rinks in Beijing in 2022 representing the Netherlands.

5. Casey James


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4. Lucy Grasso

3. Stacie Elmer


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2. Anna Von Klinski


1. Ana De Armas


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This stunning Cuban-born actress was by far one of the only great parts of No Time to Die, with her hypnotic eyes and gorgeous smile. Ana is mesmerizing to watch in drama or action.

Final Thoughts

This year was interesting oddly enough it seems there was a lot of cinema (on both the silver screen and the small screen), but as 2022 brings a new year, its actually a very special year for us that will bring many new exciting changes to a lot here at TheLifeStyleElite.com.

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