Batman v Superman | Review
After years of anticipation and disastrous response to the first full-length trailer, today Batman v Superman finally premieres in theaters, our staff saw it in IMAX 3D. With all the buzz behind the soundtrack, we as we always feel that there is only one way to see it at its best. Though we here at always enter a theater to review a film with an open mind and a nonbiased approach. That being said we did have our reservations as Man of Steel received our number one position as the worst movie of 2013. We were very curious to see if director Zack Snyder would fix the mistakes made in Man of Steel and make this the first great film to introduce the new DCU.
The opening of the movie starts with a dream sequence had by Bruce Wayne about the death of his parents and at first glance at the internal thought process, he has which up until this point has not been seen before. This is followed by his view of the catastrophic of the events of Superman’ s introduction to the world. It’s at this moment where the plot begins to get stale. The “dream” sequences tend to appear rather randomly and though it does seem to elude to what could possibly be a nod to the story of “Justice League: Gods Among Us” console game or many tales from the DC animated films of which director Zack Snyder constantly pulls from. Much like in Man of Steel Zack Snyder using scenes from various DC animated films action scenes, but he does this very poorly.
Our first glimpses of Superman are of him trying to save the day as he would do in the comics though he is painted in the light of a villain more often than not. Just as in the previous movie, it seems Superman is more of sociopathic than a hero, caring less for saving lives and avoiding killing the innocent, as much as he is doing feels is right. This always results in a massive life lost, and unlike in the comics, he seems not to care to help as in the end of Man of Shit he just went about his way after causing millions of dollars in damage to a city. In all other media, Superman is a hero to his core he is the DC universe moral compass. He would rather die than see anyone get hurt and Zack Snyder seems to not only not care about this fact, or he just hates the character. Superman never questions whether or not to save anyone he does it because his parents taught him he had a responsibility to do so. In Zack Snyder’s world, this was not the case his parents told him not to do this as the world you live in does not would fear you and you don’t owe it anything. This is what makes the character unrelatable throughout the movie and will ultimately hurt future movies in the long run.
Lex Luther:
In Batman v Superman, Batman is not shown as the world’s greatest detective as he is showed up by Lex Luther. (who is a junior, not the original) Though in the comics, Lex and Bruce are the opposite ends of the spectrum, as Bruce uses his intelligence to outwit criminals a save the day, Lex uses his intelligence to try to take over the world. In every retailing from the comic to the DC animated universe, Lex and Bruce have battled using their wits with Bruce be the victor. The fact that Lex has knowledge that Bruce does not have is both laughable and unlike the over 75-year cannon suggests. There is no major motivation for his hate. Where is in the comics it’s his hate that he is not the superior being on the planet. At no point do we ever really know why he does what he does.This not only shows the lack of respect Zack Snyder has for this character, but it makes us wonder if he ever cared for the source material (as they do in the MCU). For if he did this little understanding of the original Lex Luther could actually make this character something great.
Wonder Woman:
Gal Gadot introduction as Diana Prince is an interesting as she shows up to a Lex gala and gets Bruce Wayne’s attention. She outwits him and steals important intel from him. Their second meeting is very reminiscent of the late 90′s cartoon Justice League in where both have an obvious attraction to each other and even elude to them dating. This would be an interesting take on both characters opposed to the normal Superman and Wonder Woman love affair over the years. Which be great to see on film if they show this in any upcoming Batman/Justice Leauge movies. Apart from Affleck’s Bruce Wayne/Batman, this is one of the best break-out performances of this movie. Unfortunately, it starts to get boring after shortly after she exists the plot.
It is not until the battle with the Doomsday where we see Diana Prince become Wonder Woman, and it is a breath of fresh air.
The more it looks like a transformers style “movie” it will pale in comparison to The Dark Knight, and will still have really bad acting in it. Cavill was good The man from uncle….because he character was basically an uptight douche. And by being so wooden it was perfect. Superman in the comics is a genius he is always trying to cure diseases, and would rather lose his life than hurt an animal or a person. Every movie based on Superman has missed that mark, and as for Batman honestly, all have missed the same mark in similar places. He is a detective the best in the world and he has mastered every known form of martial arts including one from Krypton. This coupled with the shoe in of multiple characters that they are hoping to become Justice Leauge members, and random side characters like Perry White basically having a cameo.
Cinematic Fight Scene:
With what seems to about two hours of filler the title fight begins. Many of us, well everyone who wanted to see this movie was looking forward to this fight….unfortunately, it lasts all but 10 minutes. Ultimately ending when Superman mentions his mother’s name which happens to be the same name as Bruce Wayne’s mother. So after over two hours, one name makes them the best of friends. To an intelligent moviegoer, this is a lazy writing technique and a completely unrealistic way to end a conflict. In the end, they fight a creature named Doomsday, which is completely different from the original introduced in the comics as he was a creation of a distant planet that destroyed everything in its path. In the movie, he was created by Lex Luther Jr. partly from his DNA and the corpse of General Zod. This being said the CGI was rather appalling. With over $300 million budget it seems that when it came to this creature they spend hardly any of that on its creation. The kryptonite spear Superman uses would have affected him so severally that he would be unable to fly as shown less than ten minutes before when Lois threw the very same spear out of his reach.
Final Scene:
The movie ends with Superman’s death much like in the best-selling comic story arch of all time, The Death Of Superman. For reasons unexplained when Superman dies the Daily Planet publishes a story of his death as both Superman (front page) and a small article about Clark Kent’s death. Clark’s death is never explained. Which is odd considering Zack Snyder tries so hard to create a world that is 100% believable, yet often leaves out the most important details. One of the most unrealistic things to happen in this movie is the arrest of Lex. It is completely unprovoked. There was never any evidence left that he had done anything. As he is multi-billionaire we are pretty sure he would have a legal team that would keep him from going to jail as he was never in any place where he could be seen as guilty of any crime. The bullet could have been said to have been stolen. It seems way to convenient and just a lazy writers way to hurrying the ending. This coupled with the fact that when you go to prison….they do not force you to shave your head. In Batman v Superman’s universe, there are no other Batman films that are canon so when we see Lex jr in prison it is a bit odd to see a call back to a must better film (The Dark Knight) as Batman visits Lex in jail to threaten him. We understand they are trying to set up their own universe a la Marvel, but if this movie is any indication of what is to come it does not bode well for Warner Brother/DC as they seem to be forcefully rushing their plots without giving any real character development.Pros:
- Visually the action looks amazing.
- Ben Affleck pulls off one of best Batman fight scenes to ever be recorded on film.
- Gal Gadot shines as Wonder Woman.
- Wonder Woman’s appearance is a much need distraction from the boring storyline.
- Eventually, the movie will end.
- Batman’s cowl and suit are bulletproof but a knife breaks through the armor?
- The plot is convoluted, messy, and seemingly pointless.
- Jesse Eisenberg’s portrayal of Lex Luther Jr. is far from stellar.
- Lex Luther is sent to jail with no proof he committed the crimes as there was no proof he did them.
- Herny Cavil as Clerk Kent/Superman is very boring and is completely unbelievable his love story with Lois.
- Lois Lane is a shell of her comic self she is not ambitious and sadly pales in compersion to the Karen character from Daredevil.
- There is about 45-50 minutes worth of material that could have been cut.
- The Superman/Batman fight scene ends very anticlimactically.
- Lex Luther is smarter than Bruce Wayne.
- The great “detective” that Batman/Bruce Wayne has always been known for and the smartest in the DC universe which was not was not shown.
- Doomsday’s creation is not only against canon
- The CGI used to create Doomsday is appalling, and for a movie with over $300 million budget and over a year and a half to finish it should look much better.
- The final battle ended in lackluster fashion.
- Unfortunately, like much of this movie it to is poorly executed. Director Zack Synder forces to of DC comics biggest story arc The Dark Knight and The Death of Superman to create the what will be the worst than Man of Steel.
- Zack Snyder directs a movie that might be worse than Man of Steel.
Final Verdict: Our guess is you could skip this all together and still enjoy the next Batman/Wonder Woman installments without missing anything major plot points wise. If you must see it, though it should be seen in 3D IMAX and surround sound, we suggest waiting until it is on a Saturday matinee television, or on a long flight overseas.