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The Aquagear Tritan Tap Filter Bottle

The Aquagear Tritan Series Tap Filter Bottle is a durable, reusable bottle that features a built-in water filter designed to filter municipally treated tap water. The water filter attached to the straw-cap removes different contaminants from your tap water as you drink, including chlorine and industrial chemicals. This Series’ Tap Water FIlter is designed to be used with micro-biologically safe fresh water. They also offer versions of their filters, including an"Advanced Water Filter" which provides the clean, filtered drinking water from any running fresh water source in the world. Effectively removing chlorine, heavy metals, industrial pollutants, agricultural runoff, and trace pharmaceuticals. With their most impressive filter being "Radiological Water Filter" that has been designed to remove radiological contaminants from fresh water supplies. This filter has been designed as an emergency preparedness tool for communities with high risk for long-term exposure to nuclear waste during periods following a natural disaster.  Available Online

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Price Tag: $29.95

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