Peaky Blinders Series 2 Teaser Trailer
The acclaimed BBC Two drama returns, and with the addition of Tom Hardy. This historic show based on the Peaky Blinders gang garnered our attention last year upon its first episode as a few BBC shows have over the years. This drama centers on a gang who sewed razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their ambitious and highly dangerous boss Tommy Shelby. Last year we featured the previous series in where the gang came to the attention of Chief Inspector Chester Campbell, who embedded a double agent,Grace Burgess,into the Birmingham gang in hopes of bringing down the gang from the inside. As the series progresses Grace learns the inner workings of the gang,and becomes a confidant of sorts to Tommy. When Grace reveals to Chief Inspector Campbell she has fallen in love with Tommy,and refuses to help bring him down; Campbell in a bizarre twist of events murders her in cold blood. Her death,and the out come are left in the air as the new series begins. Series two is scheduled to premier on BBC Two this fall.