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House Of Cards


 As the second original Netflix series, House of Cards is receiving a lot of buzz,but deservedly so. Based on a novel by Michael Dobbs and a subsequent BBC miniseries, this political drama stars Kevin Spacey as a ruthless Southern Congress man (accent and all),along with Robin Wright as his equally cutthroat wife. The whole season has everything you would expect from a poltian, back alley deals, corruption,back stabbing, adultery,and much much more. Spacey a giant in acting already really brings his A game, so much so he even executive produced the show as well. The best part of having this on NetFlix…..no waiting for the next episode. Just take a weekend ,and watch all 13 episodes.(Why not start today) 

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[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULwUzF1q5w4]

Price Tag: ($8 a month)