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A Year End Review 2012

The year 2012 brought a lot of changes to TheLifeStyleElite.com, a new look to our digital magazine, new features including our extremely popular featured models . All and all it has been an interesting year here are a few of the interesting things we have featured this year from movies, gadgets to fashion everything you would expect from our elite lifestyle website. First off we will start off with the best the year had to offer……


The Best Of 2012

One of the best things of the year has been the films most notably the SuperHero films.The Spider-Man reboot had most critics wondering if it was to early to do a reboot seeing as how it had been less than 10 years since the end of the movies. To the majority of the die hard fans the reboot amply title, The Amazing Spider-Man, did not disappoint. Unlike its predecessor this reboot talks about his parents disappearance in the comics they eluded to being government spy’s. Though this is not confirmed or denied the movie was hailed as another Marvel movie success. In some was humanizing the teenage super hero; with visually stunning special effects,all while keep it in the believable realm.

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Along with the Spider-Man reboot Marvel took over the ultimate super hero fan’s dream…the cross over film. With the Avengers Marvel really out did themselves, visually it broke the mold for superhero films making all other companies step up their budgets to try and do a superhero cross over film their selves.With every Marvel hero mentioned in the encompassing Marvel production studios films. This film included alot of heros without the feeling of being over crowed ,and giving every character plenty of screen time. This is by far the Marvel corporation’s masterpiece in celluloid.

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The year also had two end of the year films to come out that are worth mentioning, Jack Reacher,and Django Unchained.

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Jack Reacher is a film about a M.P.(Military Police) out to prove a snipper guilty,and mayhem in sues. The fight scenes are realistic ,and the story keeps going unveiling more and more until the plot twist-ending. Its worth a seeing before the year is out.

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There was also a few video games that came out, but none bigger than Call Of Duty : Black Ops II. If you are a fan of the series this will not disappoint. The online game play is faster, more streamed lined with better response time. The new weapons ,and an in-depth story line in campaign mode to keep you busy when you get tired of playing online.

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Hitman:Absolution, the latest installment of the Hitman franchise is faster gameplay than its previous predecessors,and like “Blood Money” there are limited weapons. Yet it is not lacking in the violence department, in which all fans have grown accustom to from the beloved series. The game opens with 47 receiving a contract to kill his long time handler Diana who has been the voice that has given him contacts throughout the franchise),and has a mysterious girl that you must hunt down and save. There are also new features in the game including “instinct mode” in which you are able to predict which direction the guards will walk,better hiding places for bodies/yourself,and numerous disguise that work. (a problem that most fans complained about in the past) This time around they have even branched out into the online competition, where in the player can create contracts,and have online player try to complete the contract with what ever stipulations they see fit to make.

We also launched many new sections on our website including a model section ,and featured a few models none of which as popular as Christi K. The beautiful model from Denmark has quickly become a fan favorite among all our readers spawning atleast 30 fan e-mails a day about her, or tweets compliment our interview.

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The Worst Of 2012

And finally the worst of 2012, we found a these to be not only the worst, but the most disappointing things of the whole year.  One of the most disappointing films of the year has to be the much popularized Skyfall.

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What made the film that made $1 Billion world-wide a disappointment? Unlike all the past Bond film’s James Bond has noticeably lost a step and seems old. He is no longer the silver tongue ladies man that fans have come to love. The first half of the film was interesting,with a bond villain that brought his “A” game to the screen. He was creepy,calculating,a step ahead of all MI 6, and extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, the second half felt more like a western film along with the lose of  ”M” made this a disappointment ,and made us wonder if the next film will be any good. The worst part would have to be the fact that most of the film was spent showing how old the iconic character James Bond as come. Over all it was a disappointment,but their is a new Bond film coming soon so the franchise has a chance to redeem itself.

If you have watched the Bourne trilogy you might have been looking forward to seeing the next installment of the franchise, but like many you where disappointed. In the trailer they promised a better Jason Bourne, a genetically enhanced super solider.Instead what we as the audience received was a slow at time almost drowsy film with very little action,and the only moment the film seemed like the original Bourne films comes with the song at the end of every film.

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Skyfall ,and The Bourne Legacy were not the only film to disappoint  The Dark Knight Rises the final film of the Batman franchise was by far the worst film of the year.

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The Dark Knight Rises much like Skyfall, starts out with the hero broken and aged. Unlike Skyfall this is the final film from the franchise and unlike the Marvel franchises movies from 2012 it did not follow the comic storyline. The film ends with Bruce Wayne/Wayne Enterprises completely bankrupt (as well as presumed dead for a second time),and he as actually moved to France and is living with what looks like Catwoman. There is a small hint that there will be a Robin or a Nightwing possible,but there will be no more films so it makes this an awful way to end the franchise.